With more than 20 years’ experience in digital marketing, Dan Hare is Chief Operating Officer at e-shot. He regularly runs workshops and webinars to help marketers understand how to embrace advances in digital marketing without making things too complicated.
About e-shot
e-shot™ is the marketing automation platform that successful marketers use to deliver highly-effective email campaigns - from lead nurture to retargeting, from newsletters to account-based marketing. e-shot provides a simple solution to a sophisticated area of modern marketing.
Visit www.e-shot.net to find out more.
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Registered in England and Wales No: 3643637. VAT Registration No: GB 345 615889 Registered address: Forfront Ltd., Paternoster House, 65 St Paul's Churchyard, London EC4M 8AB.
“I thought the webinar was probably one of the most useful I have been on. We have been doing a few small Webinars to keep our name out there and it seems we have been Marketing them completely wrong! Time to put some of those tips to the test. Thanks to you and the team for the great content. "
Janet Rossiter, Event Associates
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