© Copyright Forfront Limited 2019. All Rights Reserved. e-shot™ is a Forfront product. All prices exclude VAT. E&OE.Registered in England and Wales No: 3643637. VAT Registration No: GB 345 615889 Registered address: Forfront Ltd., Paternoster House, 65 St Paul's Churchyard, London EC4M 8AB

Enter your email address and we will send you an example post-fostering event nurture campaign series. This should give you some ideas and inspiration for your own programme of automated emails: 


Experience this automation journey yourself..

The Anderson Family

How one man, despite his fears, found out everything he needed to know about fostering from an automated series of emails designed to improve his understanding and develop his interest in becoming a foster carer. And how he found true happiness as a registered foster carer.  

1.  Trigger action – Attend fostering event
2.  Wait one day
3.  Email with event follow up information
4.  Wait three days
5.  Email with guide about becoming a foster carer
6.  Wait for interaction, then wait two days
7.  Email with case study and objection handling information
8.  Wait for interaction, then wait two days
9.  Email with details of financial details and incentives for becoming a foster carer
10.  Wait two days
11.  Email with link to application pack
12.  Alert team to any contact that accesses application pack

Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council ran an email campaign to encourage more people to foster children. The campaign involved sending out regular newsletters to its database of potential foster careers, sharing stories of children in need of foster care and highlighting the benefits of fostering. As a result, the council saw a 25% increase in the number of inquiries about fostering, and a 14% increase in the number of applications received.


Example of Exceptional Comms

A story about the help, support and benefits of fostering  

Automate your own award-winning campaign 🏆 

e-shot is trusted by public sector organisations as a complete solution for digital communications, but we also work with customers on specific digital projects. If you would like to learn more about how our team can work with you on a specific digital outcome, simply pop you email in below and we will be in touch to arrange a free consultation. 

Not ready to talk quite yet?  

Below you will find more information and examples to help and inspire you and at the bottom of the page simply enter your email to experience our example automation for yourself (along with tips and guidance on each step of the process).

  • Remarketing – Bringing consumers back to a website to complete a purchase.
  • Welcome series – Presenting a brand comprehensively to new subscribers
  • Personalised recommendations – Matching products and services using behavioural and demographic data

In consumer marketing, there is a widely held belief that we have moved from selling to people towards an era of helping them to buy. Communications has a role to act as utility in the customer journey.

This is self-evident in the most successful and common forms of marketing automation in commercial campaigns: 

Digital Outcomes in public sector may not be about selling products or services, but then they aren’t really about that in private sector either. What we’re all looking for is behaviour change – nudging somebody to do something that they otherwise wouldn’t have done. The decision to become a foster carer takes a lot of consideration. This means recruitment times should be measured in years rather than in months.

Causing big shifts in behaviour is possible, but more challenging. Nudges in the right direction tend to be more effective and this is where a good understanding of the natural customer journey can be used to plan a customer journey. 


Write down all the things that someone may want to know about Fostering on post-it notes and put them on a wall in a logical order of when they would want to know each element. Then consider the cadence of the decision-making process. How quickly would they get to the point of submitting an application. Get a clear picture of the customer journey.

For example, a nurture sequence after someone attends a fostering or 'meet the team' type event

We will send you a series of 5 emails over 10 days (it will automatically pause over the weekend) to show you how an automated email series can be used to enhance the journey  from post event to registering as a foster carer.  



The decision to become a foster carer takes a lot of consideration. This means recruitment times should be measured in years rather than in months. 

When a person is ready to take the next step, the lengthy process of decision-making to get there will have involved many different factors: seeing campaigns, having conversations, knowing someone who is a foster carer and increasing understanding and motivation through case studies and real-life experiences of others. 

Video is a great medium to present these stories and email can deliver them directly to the prospective carer’s inbox. For example Sutton district council have successfully incorporated video into one of their recent recruitment campaigns. 

The first of the two videos showcased one of our residents who have cared for teenagers and sibling groups — one of the core aims of the campaign. Nii’s story shows how one family opened their arms to caring, and how the 23 teenagers they looked after touched their hearts. 

The Sutton Fostering Service also launched a second video, Ethan’s Story, showing the huge difference foster carers make to those they care for.

The campaign will continue over the next year through a variety of digital and physical channels, highlighting people’s stories and successes that caring has brought them.

We have an example video based case study in one of the latter steps in our automation as an example.

How one man, despite his fears, found out everything he needed to know about fostering from an automated series of emails designed to improve his understanding and develop his interest in becoming a foster carer. And how he found true happiness as a registered foster carer.

The Anderson Family

A story about the help, support and benefits of fostering  

Automate your own award-winning campaign 🏆

e-shot is trusted by public sector organisations as a complete solution for digital communications, but we also work with customers on specific digital projects. If you would like to learn more about how our team can work with you on a specific digital outcome, please get in touch.  

We are offering a free consultation to any UnAwards Masterclass attendee that registers with us today.

Not ready to talk quite yet?  

Below you will find more information and examples to help and inspire you and at the bottom of the page simply enter your email to experience our example automation for yourself (along with tips and guidance on each step of the process).


In consumer marketing, there is a widely held belief that we have moved from selling to people towards an era of helping them to buy. Communications has a role to act as utility in the customer journey.

This is self-evident in the most successful and common forms of marketing automation in commercial campaigns:  

© Copyright Forfront Limited 2019. All Rights Reserved. e-shot™ is a Forfront product. All prices exclude VAT. E&OE.Registered in England and Wales No: 3643637. VAT Registration No: GB 345 615889 Registered address: Forfront Ltd., Paternoster House, 65 St Paul's Churchyard, London EC4M 8AB

  • Remarketing – Bringing consumers back to a website to complete a purchase.
  • Welcome series – Presenting a brand comprehensively to new subscribers
  • Personalised recommendations – Matching products and services using behavioural and demographic data

Example of exceptional Comms

Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council ran an email campaign to encourage more people to foster children. The campaign involved sending out regular newsletters to its database of potential foster careers, sharing stories of children in need of foster care and highlighting the benefits of fostering. As a result, the council saw a 25% increase in the number of inquiries about fostering, and a 14% increase in the number of applications received.

Experience this automation journey yourself..

Enter your email address and we will send you an example post-fostering event nurture campaign series. This should give you some ideas and inspiration for your own programme of automated emails:

We will send you a series of 5 emails over 10 days (it will automatically pause over the weekend) to show you how an automated email series can be used to enhance the journey  from post event to registering as a foster carer.

The decision to become a foster carer takes a lot of consideration. This means recruitment times should be measured in years rather than in months. 

When a person is ready to take the next step, the lengthy process of decision-making to get there will have involved many different factors: seeing campaigns, having conversations, knowing someone who is a foster carer and increasing understanding and motivation through case studies and real-life experiences of others. 

Video is a great medium to present these stories and email can deliver them directly to the prospective carer’s inbox. For example Sutton district council have successfully incorporated video into one of their recent recruitment campaigns. 

The first of the two videos showcased one of our residents who have cared for teenagers and sibling groups — one of the core aims of the campaign. Nii’s story shows how one family opened their arms to caring, and how the 23 teenagers they looked after touched their hearts. 

The Sutton Fostering Service also launched a second video, Ethan’s Story, showing the huge difference foster carers make to those they care for.

The campaign will continue over the next year through a variety of digital and physical channels, highlighting people’s stories and successes that caring has brought them.

We have an example video based case study in one of the latter steps in our automation as an example.